I am very active in my Cub Scout Pack. I am the Bear Den Leader (Grade 3). I am Membership Chairman and Pack Trainer and Scout Parent Liaison. I've also been chipping in on the Treasurer duties. I have enjoyed doing all of these jobs. A healthy Pack Committee spreads the duties around so one person doesn't become overwhelmed. Right now I'm overwhelmed.
This is changing.
I'm going to stay a Den Leader. That's the fun part!
My term as Membership Chairman ends after tomorrow night. I'm not a big fan of paperwork and there is a bunch of it. Filing our charter has been a challenge this year with lots of technical issues and things popping up only after I had irreversibly closed the Charter paperwork. Tomorrow night I turn everything in at the Tillikum District meeting. I currently don't have a volunteer to take my place. The job is not hard for most of the year and only challenging in November if you aren't already overwhelmed with other jobs.
My term as Pack Trainer also ends tomorrow night. This is a very easy job all year with a ton of nagging, pleading and begging for leaders to get their training complete in time for Charter paperwork to be turned in. I am less than 24 hours away from having to finalize them and I'm still waiting for people to take their online classes. I have someone to take this job from me.
The Scout Parent Liaison is mostly because I make myself the most visible (some might say obnoxious) member of the Pack. Everyone knows me. Not hard. I keep this one by default.
Treasurer duties are technically over. My wife has been the Treasurer for the last year but work overwhelmed her and I took over balancing the checkbook. Good news! It balances! The new Treasurer is in the process of taking it over.
In January I will be teaching two classes at the University of Scouting. Both are about using songs and music. One is for Cub Scouts and the other is for Boy Scouts/Varsity/Venturing.
I have also taken the helm of the Silver Lake Day Camp next summer. There will be hundreds of hours of work involved in THAT one. It should be a ton of fun though!